


樂團發聲于復旦大學,通過短短三年多的發展,集合了上海灘各路優秀歌者,舉辦了專場音樂會、工作坊,赴港澳交流演出,錄製廣告,接受港臺大師和國外知名團體 的指導,可謂成績斐然。現任成員雖皆非聲樂背景,但扎實的合唱功底、良好音樂素養,加上排練演出培養的默契度和豐富舞臺表現力,得到專業人士的認可和觀衆 的喜愛。除了一些經典曲目之外,樂團主要演藝中外流行歌曲,幷以現代阿卡貝拉的方式進行個性化的改編和再創作。

Instead of being accompanied with musical instruments, our performances are all elaborated with vocal singing. With the finest sounding object, we share music in nature. A cappella will, for sure, bring uniqueness in a large way.

Although it's been only three years since the birth of our chorus in Fudan University, we've attracted a few talented singers in and brought our hard work to fruition such as holding concerts and workshops, giving exchange performances in Hong Kong and Macao, participating in makings of advertisement videos, taking advice given by masters, as well as some groups well-known at home and abroad. None of the vocal profession, our members win a large audience by their essentials for choric singing, good music literacy and expressive stage performance. In addition to a cappella classics, we sing pop music both in Chinese and other languages, and do personalized adaptations in a contemporary way.

I Do (Cherish You):
Can You Feel the Love Tonight:
All I Want for Christmas Is You:

Our A Cappella Experience
2013.1    復旦-港大IMBA項目“萌基金”新年慈善音樂會
FUDAN-HKU IMBA "Meng Fund" New Year Concert
2012.9    青島萬科品牌盛典暨新品發布季
Vanke New Release Festival @ Qingdao
2012.5    “上海青年風尚節”啓動儀式
The Launch of "Shanghai Youth Fashion Festival”
2011.12  青島市民用建築設計院建置10周年慶典晚宴
Qingdao Civil Construction Design Institute 10th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
2011.12  上海老站婚禮表演,全男班演唱
Wedding Performance @ Shanghai Laozhan
2011.9    上海外灘22號,Brix酒吧GH5五周年慶
GH5 5th Anniversary @ Brix, Bund 22, Shanghai
2011.9    土豆網上市慶典晚宴
Tudou Listing Celebration Dinner
2011.8    上海大悅城“阿卡貝拉音樂節”
A Cappella Music Festival @ Shanghai Joy City
2011.5    “香港時尚購物展”成都站
Style HK Show @ Chengdu
2010.4    上海唯一一家探戈酒吧“Tango幫”兩周年慶酒會
"Tango Bang" 2nd Anniversary Party @ Shanghai
工作坊 Workshop
2012.4    上海創智天地“TEDxFDUChange大會”
"TEDxFDUChange”@ KIC, Shanghai
2011.10  上海老約克藝術空間,“新享樂主義”聲音互動工作坊
A Cappella Workshop @ Old York Art Space, SH
2010.4    上海證大藝術超市,尋聲作樂——阿卡貝拉工作坊
A Cappella Workshop @ Zendai, Shanghai
音樂會 Concert
2012.12  上海田子坊尤根空間,新紀元人聲派對
New Era Vocal Party @ Jugend Space, Tianzifang
2012.11  上海壁虎餐廳,壁虎之夜·阿卡貝拉音樂會
A Cappella Concert @ Gecko Restaurant, Shanghai
2012.6    上海藍純咖啡761酒吧,“尋聲作樂”人聲音樂會
A Cappella Concert @ 761 Coffee Bar, Shanghai
2010.5    香港樂富廣場,中港無伴奏交流會
A Cappella Exchange Concert @ Lok Fu Plaza, HK
2010.3    澳門大學第二届當代無伴奏合唱大師班暨兩岸四地交流音樂會

2nd Contemporary A Cappella Masterclass and Cross-Strait Exchanges Concert, Macau University