Gimme Five
2017年初,5位在職人士組成Gimme Five,期望以無伴奏合唱形式,分享我們唱阿卡的快樂、團員彼此打氣,歌聲「共鳴共振」。
同年7月,Gimme Five 參加A Cappella Gimme Championships 2017 (新加坡),在國際組別中獲得銀獎;曾於不同商業及慈善團體演出,如聖誕報佳音(海韻軒、海灣軒)、演藝學院開放日、啟德扶輪社週年晚宴、扶輪香港超級馬拉松、香港當代無伴奏合唱協會2018音樂會等。
Gimme Five was founded in early 2017 by 5 amateur singers, aiming to share the joy in singing a cappella. As our group name suggests, we are also eager to cheer the audience up with our singing and showcase the harmony of voices.
In July 2017, Gimme Five won the silver award (International category) in the A Cappella Championships organised by The A Cappella Society in Singapore.
Highlights of recent appearances include HKAPA Open Day (2018-2019), Christmas carolling at Harbourfront Horizon Suites and Harbourview Horizon Suites (2018), Annual Dinner of Rotary Club of Kai Tak (2017), Rotary HK Ultramarathon (2018), The 2018 Concert of The Contemporary A Cappella Society of Hong Kong.