Joyous係由6個鍾意唱歌同吃喝玩樂嘅人組成。閒時鍾意打邊爐,飲酒吹水,講爛gag,無甚大志,但對唱歌好有熱誠。Joyous唔係行青春熱血路線,更唔係chok, pro同型嘅組合,但我哋係即使無演出都會好開心地練歌練到半夜,然後好滿足咁返屋企嘅組合。有時唔練歌都會約出嚟食飯唱k行街,friend底嗰種。至於我哋嘅歌曲風格,現時應該係以 pop 同埋 kai 嘅路線為主,但我哋正好努力咁發掘緊其他風格,敬請熱切期待!
Joyous is a 6-part a cappella group consists of passionate singers from different backgrounds. The emphasis of a friendly, cheerful culture brought us together as good friends, rather than just "members". Endless jokes and gags, some chitchat and chilling, we enjoy every bits of our practices even if it lasts until midnight on a weekday.