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Mosaic是香港大學首個無伴奏合唱組合,成立於2006年,由不同學系、年級的學生組成。Mosaic 的名稱是借馬賽克藝術中由一塊塊不同顏色﹑形狀的圖案所拼合的美麗圖案﹐寓意每位成員的獨特天賦﹐融合成既豐富和諧又充滿活力的音樂。Mosaic是香港首個舉辦大型音樂會的校園無伴奏合唱組合。自創團以來,Mosaic活躍於香港合唱界,每年於校內外均積極參與演出。 於2007年12月,Mosaic於香港大學舉辦了首場慈善音樂會。自此以後,Mosaic的無伴奏合唱週年音樂會便成為了他們全年度最大型的演出。十多年以來,整個音樂會的籌劃,由劇本、選曲到宣傳、出版均是他們一手包辦。此外,Mosaic每一年都追求進步與突破。以最近的2018年週年音樂會為例,Mosaic第一次嘗試以一個處境式戲劇來連結每一首歌曲,將觀眾帶入香港MTR車廂的世界裡面。除了憑藉精彩的演出為各位觀眾帶來一個難忘的晚上外,Mosaic每次更會將這個音樂會的淨收益撥捐慈善組織,旨在透過音樂,將關懷傳遞給在音樂廳以外的有需要人士,為社會公益略盡綿力;這點亦正是Mosaic週年音樂會的獨特之處。這個既有好音樂,又富意義的盛會,每年皆是好評如潮,座無虛席。在過去數年,Mosaic的週年音樂會支持了不同慈善機構,包括音樂兒童基金會、惜食堂及香港展能藝術會等等。 同時,Mosaic積極參與各項無伴奏合唱比賽。其中Mosaic自2012年港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽首辦以來已六度奪冠,更有幸於2016及2017年賽事中囊括最佳主唱,本地組冠軍以及全場總冠軍。Mosaic也成功入圍2017及2018香港國際無伴奏合唱比賽決賽。除本地比賽外,Mosaic亦十分榮幸能在多項國際賽事中與來自世界各地的勁旅同台較技,並獲得肯定。例如於2017 Vocal Asia Festival的亞洲盃阿卡貝拉大賽中,Mosaic便奪得亞軍佳績,實屬難得。 Mosaic致力於推廣無伴奏合唱音樂,於電視,電台,商場及其他盛事亦有演出,務求讓廣大觀眾認識無伴奏合唱音樂。 

Mosaic is the premier A Cappella group based in The University of Hong Kong and comprises students from different faculties and years of studies. The name “Mosaic” was chosen to capture the very nature of the group – coming from different backgrounds, Mosaicians bring our individual uniqueness into harmonized pieces of lively, spirited music. Established in 2006, Mosaic is the first collegiate A Cappella group in HK to organise large-scale concerts and has been very active in the Hong Kong choral scene, staging numerous performances both on and off campus. Since the first charity concert in 2007, Mosaic holds an A Cappella concert annually as their highlight event of the year. We are proud of our Concerts, not only because we consistently give full-house performances, but more so of the dedication from every single one of our members, who contribute in all aspects of preparatory work to set this Concert up from scratch - from song arrangements, script-writing, publication designs to administrative and logistic duties. We strive to improve and innovate every year. Taking the most recent 2018 Annual Concert for example, we attempted setting-based drama for the first time and transformed our stage into the MTR carriages, which proved to be a great success. Apart from delivering the best experiences to our audience, the concert is dedicated to one charity and all net proceeds are donated. This is one reason that makes the annual concerts meaningful, earning them overwhelming appreciation and recognition over the years. In the past few years, Mosaic has partnered with different charities such as Music Children Foundation, Food Angel, Arts with the Disabled Hong Kong and much more. Being an active participant in A Cappella competitions, Mosaic has claimed victory at the Hong Kong and Macau College A Cappella Competition for a record 6 times since its installation in 2012, and even sweeping all 3 titles - the Best Lead Award, Championship in Hong Kong Division and the Overall Championship in 2016 and 2017. Mosaic has also made the finals of the 2017 and 2018 Hong Kong International a cappella Contest. It is an honour to get recognised at international level as well. Among other titles, Mosaic was awarded 1st Runner-Up in the 2017 Asian Cup A Cappella Competition at the notable Vocal Asia Festival. Mosaic is dedicated to the promotion of A Cappella music in Hong Kong, hence often appearing on TV, radio, shopping malls and other major events. 


2010 星加坡的國際無伴奏合唱比賽-銀獎 
2012 港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽 - 冠軍; 亞洲無伴奏音樂節大專無伴奏合唱比賽-冠軍 
2013 港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽 - 冠軍; 亞洲無伴奏音樂節大專無伴奏合唱比賽 - 冠軍; 國際無伴奏合唱比賽 - 亞軍 
2015 港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽 - 冠軍
2016 港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽 - 最佳主唱,本地組冠軍,全場總冠軍 
2017 港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽 - 最佳主唱,本地組冠軍,全場總冠軍; Vocal Asia亞洲盃亞卡貝拉大賽-第二名; 香港大學歌唱比賽合唱組 - 冠軍; ICMA大專聯校歌唱比賽 - 合唱組冠軍及最佳台風獎; 
2018 粵港澳大灣區青少年藝術展演 - 銀獎;
2019 港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽 - 本地組冠軍,全場總冠軍