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Ping Pong

Ping Pong無伴奏合唱組合在2015年9月中在香港成立,11月於首爾International Kodaly A Cappella Festival的公開組比賽勇奪金獎;於年底更獲提名阿卡中國2016蜂巢音樂節年度最佳華語編曲獎及年度最佳現場演繹獎。Ping Pong成員熱愛音樂,喜歡接受挑戰,樂曲類型不限,於短短數月內累積不少演出經驗,期望為社會大眾分享更多作品,同時推廣無伴奏合唱。

2016年7月,Ping Pong參與新加坡國際無伴奏合唱比賽並獲銅獎。

Ping Pong A Cappella group was formed in Hong Kong in mid-September 2015. In November 2015, we participated in the International Kodaly A Cappella Festival (IKAF) in Seoul, Korea, and won the Gold Prize in the Adults Open Competition. Each member in Ping Pong has a passion for music. We like to take challenges and are keen on trying different kinds of music. We are grateful that we have had the opportunities to perform at several events in just a few months. We look forward to sharing more music with you all in the coming performing opportunities.

In July, 2016, the group was awarded bronze medal in Singapore’s A Cappella Championship.