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Set Tone Men


為提高歌唱水平,實動男曾獲不同世界級大師指導,其中包括英國The Swingle Singers 的前成員Tobias Hug、澳洲的The Idea of North、台灣阿卡貝拉之父朱元雷先生及日本人聲敲擊大師北村嘉一郎先生等。

實動男成立至今,已多次獲邀擔任表演嘉賓。於2011年「第九屆冬季購物節」首次亮相,旋即被受好評。2012年獲香港電台邀請於《Christmas concert in the Park》演出並參與節目錄影,同年再獲康文署邀請於《The Sound of Art》演出。

2013年7月,實動男受日本甲州市政府邀請,為《Koshu a cappella Festival》作表演嘉賓,是亞洲唯一獲邀的無伴奏合唱組合。實動男於2014年取得更大成就,除繼續獲各工商機構邀請演出外,亦獲邀於不同的大師班中作示範演出,同年8月更遠赴韓國光州於『亞洲阿卡貝拉音樂節』中代表香港演出。其後受光華新聞文化中心邀請參與《西城故事:大稻埕與西營盤》音樂憶像拍攝,藉著歌曲交流與電影拍攝,紀錄中、台兩地的原始風貌,喚起保存老香港風俗的意識。

實動男積極挑戰與突破,曾參與不同國際性比賽,於2012年先後參與「台灣國際重唱藝術節 -世界盃阿卡貝拉大賽」及「香港無伴奏合唱比賽」並榮獲銀牌及公開組冠軍。其後,在「香港國際無伴奏合唱比賽2013」再下一城,榮獲金獎殊榮。



Set Tone Men (STM) are young and energetic – established in September 2011, they are a contemporary male a cappella group and definitely one of the most active groups in Hong Kong.  STM have a diverse repertoire ranging from classical, pop to contemporary arrangements all presented in extraordinary styles.  They have been invited to perform for many esteemed organizations including Hong Kong Museum of Art, Radio Television Hong Kong, Mass Transit Railway and South China Morning Post.  They have also toured Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and Macau, bringing their audience unique and signature a cappella experiences through live demonstrations of their harmonious male voices.  At competitions, STM have achieved encouraging results at the Taiwan International Vocal Festival 2012, where they won a Silver Medal in the World Contemporary A Cappella category.  They were also the champion in the Open Class of the Hong Kong A Cappella Contest 2012 and received Gold Prize in Hong Kong International A Cappella Contest 2013.  STM wishes that all their audience would enjoy their music and share their love of a cappella.

男假音 Simon Au
男高音Guddy Chan
男中音Joseph Ho
男中音Kenny Lam
男低音 Caleb Yuen
人聲敲擊 Hillman Lau