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For Slix, a cappella is not more and not less than a copious and exclusive use of voice and mouth parts. The six vocal virtuosos from Germany effortlessly imitate a whole band. Moreover, they create a variety of sounds and noises that eclipses almost every assemblage of instruments. Their self created or chosen pieces of music are a true homage to the love of life. A luscious and homogeneous sound, brilliant solistic presentations, amusing moderations and artful compositions make the Slix-concerts an a cappella experience that offers unequalled opportunities. The sound of the Slix – with its whisper, its click of the tongue, its noisy breath, its twitter, its didgeridoo-like voice – has memo and recognition value. “The experience of a cappella groove” – that is probably the most appropriate and coining description of what the unsuspecting listener may expect. What the lady and the five gentlemen are performing onstage cannot be captured by well-established music styles like Pop, Soul, R&B or Jazz. The Slix’ ever increasing high profile is creating an outstanding reputation of the band as one of Germany’s best and most charming vocal ensembles.

對Slix來說,無伴奏人聲的意思是恰如其分地運用嗓音及口的部份。 這六位來自德國的演唱藝術家,能輕鬆地模擬整個樂團,此外還能創造出幾乎涵蓋所有樂器的各種不同聲響。不論是全新自創或樂曲改編,皆是對於生命之愛最真誠的致意。 Slix多元化的聲音、才華洋溢的演出、恰如其分的幽默及巧妙的創作,讓他們的音樂會提供了一個體驗人聲無伴奏合唱,難能可貴的機會。Slix所使用的颯颯低語、彈舌聲、喧鬧的呼吸聲、及唧唧喳喳地聲響、模迪吉里杜管(didgeridoo)的聲音,亦成為他們著名的招牌及獨一無二的特色。 “無伴奏人聲律動的體驗”對於聽眾來說,大概是最恰當且適切形容。這個由一位女士及五位男士組成的樂團,在舞台上的表現已超越其他已然成形的音樂風格,如pop soul、R&B或爵士。Slix所累續的能量及豐富的演出經驗,更使得這個表現優異的樂團,成為德國最佳及最具魅力的人聲室內樂合唱團。 該團曾獲2008年最佳爵士歌曲獎及2006 Ward-Swingle-Award。